17.9.2012 18:25:15 Lassie66
Re: Legální Interupce ve 24 týdnu v Británii - je to pravda?
Chápu-li to dobře, pak je to potrat legální, který si rozhodne matka.
"When an abortion can be carried out
Under UK law, an abortion can usually only be carried out during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy as long as certain criteria are met (see below).
The Abortion Act 1967 covers the UK mainland (England, Scotland and Wales) but not Northern Ireland. The law states that:
abortions must be carried out in a hospital or a specialist licensed clinic
two doctors must agree that an abortion would cause less damage to a woman""s physical or mental health than continuing with the pregnancy
There are also a number of rarer situations when the law states an abortion may be carried out after 24 weeks. These include:
if it is necessary to save the woman""s life
to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman
if there is substantial risk that if the child were born, s/he would have physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped
Generally, an abortion should be carried out as early in the pregnancy as possible, ideally before 12 weeks.
Read more about when an abortion is carried out"