6.6.2012 7:20:07 .kili.
Re: Keloidy po přišití uší
Možná - v ohledu na Vámi popsaný rozsah keloidů - by nebylo od věci obrátit se na
Prim. MUDr. Jitka Vokurková, Ph.D.
Oddělení dětské plastické chirurgie KDCHOT Černopolní 9, 613 00 Brno
Tel: 532234790
e-mail: jvokurkova@fnbrno.cz
Ordinační hodiny:
Úterý 8:00 – 13:00
objednání na tel. 532234790
Pro informaci :
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Nineteenth Edition
Chapter 651 - Diseases of the Dermis
Young keloids may diminish in size if injected intralesionally at 4-wk intervals with triamcinolone suspension (10-40 mg/mL). At times, a more concentrated suspension is required. Large or old keloids may require surgical excision followed by intralesional injections of corticosteroid. The risk of recurrence at the same site argues against surgical excision alone, although ear lobe keloids respond well to surgical excision, pressure dressings, and intralesional steroids. Placement of topical silicon gel sheeting over the keloid for several hours per day for several weeks may help in some patients.
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