samozřejmě. Nesmysllné jsou obavy ze selhání léčby, jako např.
"V časném stadiu, tzn. v prvních 4 týdnech po přenosu infekce, je třeba počítat se selháním antibiotické léčby v 10% případů (121/135). U chronických forem je tento podíl podstatně vyšší a obnáší až 50% (30/31/52/55/74/99/121)."
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrice, 19th edition Part XVII - Infectious Diseases Section 8 - Spirochetal Infections Chapter 214 - Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)
There is a widespread misconception that Lyme disease is difficult to cure and that chronic symptoms and clinical recurrences are common. The most likely reason for apparent treatment failure is an incorrect diagnosis of Lyme disease.
The prognosis for children treated for Lyme disease is excellent. Children treated for erythema migrans rarely progress to late Lyme disease. The long-term prognosis for patients who are treated beginning in the late phase of Lyme disease also is excellent. Although chronic and recurrent arthritis does occur rarely, especially among patients with certain HLA allotypes (an autoimmune process), most children who are treated for Lyme arthritis are cured and have no sequelae. Although there are rare reports of adults who have developed late neuroborreliosis, usually among persons with Lyme disease in whom treatment was delayed for months or years, similar cases in children are rare.
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