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Vyšel mi Vedoucí ~:-D

Vedoucí představují klasický obraz modelového občana: pomáhají svým sousedům, dodržují zákony a pokoušejí se zajistit, aby se každý zúčastnil života v komunitách a organizacích, o které se starají.

To, myslím, docela sedí, jak pracovně tak soukromě a na děti :)

This view is of course extended to their children, and as soon as they are able, their children are expected to contribute in their own way, by cleaning their plates and their rooms and going to bed on time – by maintaining the order of things.

This inflexibility can become a challenge as their children grow into their more naturally rebellious adolescent years. Executives defend their own, and their relationships with their children are no different, but they expect their children to adhere to the structures they’ve put in place to ensure that protection. Executives enjoy creating secure, stable environments, and consider it an affront to have those considerations rejected – again, insubordination is not tolerated.

It’s not that they have wild, high-flying hopes of perfection for their children – Executives are down-to-earth people and simply want to see their children develop into respected, responsible adults. But Executive personalities also want their children to be strong-willed and capable, and that is something that can only happen when they have the chance to make their own decisions, and the chance to face the consequences of those decisions, good or bad, with the love and support of their parents.


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