Přidat odpověď
Cepice fialova "pár myokarditid, které ale nebyly závažné"
To hrozí i při PIMS. Je to v tom odkazu, cos dávala, takže já to beru tak, že vakcinace není nebezpečnější než prodělání covidu (ani při bezpříznakovém není jistota, že nepřijde PIMS), naopak.
“What most pediatric cardiologists agree on is that cardiac complications seen with PIMS are more serious than the myocarditis seen from the vaccine."
"Myocarditis can also be triggered by infections including COVID, which is far more likely to do so than vaccines are. Moreover, COVID-related myocarditis symptoms are usually much more severe than those seen in vaccine-related myocarditis, with the former leading to an average hospital stay of 6 days instead of 1, she says. "