V tom případě přestanou platit rozestupy 2 metry a max 15 dětí ve třídě. Roušky taky nemusí mít. Takže ještě zbývá zavřít vodu, aby si děti nemohly umýt ruce, a bude to cajk.
Dnes jsem narazila na článek z UK:
Howard Fisher, the head of St George""s Church of England Primary School in Sheerness, spoke about his fears of accepting some pupils back amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
He even went as far as saying he""d rather children "repeat an academic year then go back too soon, and for parents not to lose a child."
"I can be truthful here and categorically tell you there is no such thing as social distancing in a school; it does not exist and would never exist.
"The reason childhood illnesses spread in a school is surprise, surprise, we are all in contact with each other.
"I can put two children in opposite classrooms and they will still get chicken pox because that’s how it is in a school.
zdroj https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/kent-head-teachers-brutally-honest-4129384?_ga=2.17561529.1273522390.1589457067-1621429326.1589457067
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