Filipe -
hmm, máš zajímavé sny
Jinak toto:
"I dated a girl for a little while about a year ago who told me she would be happiest if she could just quit her job and live the rest of her days taking care of me and having dinner ready when I got home from work. She did not want children, but just wanted to support me and live a happy, simple life embracing monogamous womanhood and the joy of nesting and caretaking. The most admirable part about this memory of this girl was that she was 20 years old."
Četla jsem rozhovor s paní Formanovou, a ta psala, že přesně tímto zaujala svého manžela, jako mladá slečna. Že řekla, že jejím snem je pečovat o domácnost a rodinu.