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Přidat odpověď

a tohle je taky docela dobrý, celý text je tady: https://www.uic.edu/orgs/convening/depress.htm


Previous attempts; 50% to 80% of those who commit suicide have previously attempted it.
Lethality of attempt: The more violent and painful a previous attempt (gunshot wound, hanging) the greater the risk.
Age: The highest risk age group is 75-79; the second highest is 55-64 and the third highest age group is 15-24.
Depression: This symptom combined with problems sleeping and eating increases the risk approximately 500 times. People are more likely to be at risk when they are coming out of a depression rather than when they are profoundly depressed.
Lack of future plans: No plans for the future and talk of what people will do when they are gone increases risk.
Recent Loss: A person who has experienced the death of a loved one, an important separation, or divorce can be at higher risk.
Giving away personal property: If cherished items are being given away, there is increased risk.
Unemployment or financial difficulty: Economic problems due to lack of employment or increased financial burden increase risk.
Substance abuse: Barbiturates and alcohol can be a lethal combination. Alcohol is involved with 90% of all suicide attempts.
The presence of psychotic thinking: Often severely disturbed people believe death to be a temporary rather than permanent state. They fully expect to return tomorrow after committing suicide today. Confusion and disorientation also adds significantly to the risk factors.


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